Today I've been invited to come speak to a sophomore painting class here at Endicott. My painting professor is assigning them the same project that we were given in the spring I was in Painting II, painting geometric abstractions. It was in that class, and Professor Carol Pelletier that first introduced me to abstractions of any kind. I had always thought of myself as a naturalistic painting, focussing on detail in still lives and landscapes and trying to make things somewhat real. However, I painted my first two abstractions in one sitting. One very long sitting that made me have some very cramped legs when I finally tried to stand up, but I was hooked non the less. Since then, I have evolved in so many ways-- panel instead of canvas, colors changing, brushes shrinking, paintings enlarging, and my craft improving. 

So today I get to go back to talk to the students I was two years ago, and give them this sneak peak of how I work. I usually don't reveal what my source imagery is, but since this piece is sold and it's a teaching moment, I'm making an exception. Of course, missing from this video is the hours and hours over the span of weeks or months that I slowly and evenly painted different layers, re-mixed colors. sat with the piece, and painted again; but it does show my basic process, from idea all the way to fruition. 

Kimberly Knowles