I recently held my first photo shoot contest!

Well, I suppose it wasn’t so much a contest as a giveaway. My summer sale-abration. My winner was Michelle, an actress and model in New York, who is working to raise awareness and a race stigma around mental illness, all while being a total fitness queen on the side. We met in the city and spend our whole session focusing on killer fitness photos! And let me tell you, I’m pretty sure that our shoot counted as her work out for the day.

One of the trickiest things about doing fitness shoot, is that the model actually has to do those fitness poses. That means that to get that cool headstand photo, the model probably is going to have to stay in that cool headstand for a few minutes, or flip up into that pose several times in a row. And that is exactly what Michelle did. She came with ideas and references galore, and honestly made my job really easy with all of her inspiration.

See how long she could (effortlessly) hold a pose in the shots below...

Kimberly Knowles